How can I become a Certified Christian Coach?

The Center for Christian Coaching offers a certification program for Christian coaching that is designed to help leaders develop and master Christian coaching competencies useful in church ministry. This program is recognized and accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the global governing body which determines ethics and standards for the professional practice of coaching.

The Center for Christian Coaching program exists to equip staff and leaders in the Brentwood Baptist Network, as well as well as leaders within other churches and local ministry non-profits across our region.

Coaching Requirements

What are the requirements to become a Certified Christian Coach (CCC)?

  1. CCC301-Coaching Foundations (16 hours)
  2. 16 hours of additional courses offered through the Center for Christian Coaching
  3. 3 hours of coaching mentorship provided by a certified coach
  4. 10 hours of earned practicum hours
  5. Coach Certification Application
  6. Exam

What are the requirements to become an Associate Certified Coach (ACC)?

  1. 60+ hours of coaching education (mentor coaching included)
  2. 100+ hours of coaching experience
  3. 10 hours of mentor coaching
  4. Successful completion (passing score) of a performance evaluation
  5. Application for Level 1 Certificate
  6. Successful completion (passing score) of the ICF Credentialing/Exam

Available Courses

Note: Must be at least 18 years old to attend classes

CCC301 | Coaching Foundations (16 hours)

August 22 & 23, 2025
Friday: 1:00pm–8:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am–4:00pm
Brentwood Baptist Church
7777 Concord Road, Brentwood, TN 37027

Church Members $75 | Ministry Partners: $150 | Non-Members: $350


Taught in English by Michele Dyer-ACC and Sandy Hamilton-MA, ACC

Course Description

Coaching Foundations is an essential class for every leader and is a pre-requisite course for our advanced class Coaching Relationships.
It answers the questions:
-What is coaching, and how does it differ from mentoring and counseling?
-What are basic coaching principles and how should a coaching session look?
-What are the do’s and don’ts of being a coach?
-What are the benefits of having coaching conversations with those I lead?
-These questions and more are answered in this foundational course, meant to equip and train you in the methods and skills of Christian Coaching.

Coaching Foundations includes essential basics for Christian coaching, and it includes the following topics:
– Introduction to the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
– Exploring what coaching is and its use in a Christian environment
– The Language and Format of Coaching (Coaching vs. Mentoring vs. Counseling)
– Coaching Basics (The philosophy of coaching and steps to a coaching conversation)
– Coaching Skills (the coaching mindset and the ICF Core Competencies)
– Coaching Models (the process of a coaching conversation)

Because this class is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), you will also gain a firm understanding of the Coaching Core Competencies as outlined by the ICF.

*Full refund issued, if cancellation requested 72 hours prior to class.
** If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Hamilton at [email protected].

CCC302 | Coaching Relationships (16 hours)

April 4 & 5, 2025
Friday: 1:00pm–8:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am–4:00pm
Brentwood Baptist Church
7777 Concord Road, Brentwood, TN 37027

Church Members $75 | Ministry Partners: $150 | Non-Members: $350


October 6, 2025 | 6:00-8:30 PM
October 13, 2025 | 6:00-8:30 PM
October 20, 2025 | 6:00-8:30 PM
October 27, 2025 | 6:00-8:30 PM

Church Members $75 | Ministry Partners: $150 | Non-Members: $350


Taught in English by Michele Dyer -ACC  and Sandy Hamilton-MA,ACC

Course Description
Understanding how to build a strong coaching relationship with your coachee is essential to achieve effective coaching outcomes.

In this ICF-approved course, you will learn:

  • Important elements for co-creating a strong coaching relationship with your coachees.
  • How to  talk about coaching to educate others and build a culture of coaching in your organization.
  • The ingredients needed to have a strong first session.
  • The difference between doing coaching and being a coach.
  • How to identify your strengths and challenges as a coach

Because this class is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), you will also gain a firm understanding of the Coaching Core Competencies as outlined by the ICF.

Increase your effectiveness as a leader in your community, church ministry, workplace, and family with the valuable skills you will learn in the Coaching Relationships class.

*Full refund issued, if cancellation requested 72 hours prior to class.
** If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Hamilton at [email protected]

CCC310 | Coaching Leaders (9 hours)

May 2, 2025
Friday: 1:00pm–8:00pm
Brentwood Baptist Church
7777 Concord Road, Brentwood, TN 37027

Church members $75 | Ministry Partners $125 | Non-Members $250


Virtual (3 Tuesdays)
-September 9, 2025 | 7:00-9:00 PM
-September 16, 2025 | 7:00-9:00 PM
-September 23, 2025 | 7:00-9:00 PM

Church members $75 | Ministry Partners $125 | Non-Members $250


Taught in English by Janet Walls, ACC.
Prerequisite: CCC 301

Course Description
This advanced course is primarily geared toward coaches who will be coaching leaders* in Christian ministry. The content is designed to help coaches engage in Christ-centered conversations regarding leadership attributes and competencies with the leaders they coach.

Additionally, the participant will:

  • Review a historical perspective of leadership including examples of biblical leaders.
  • Gain insight on Christian competencies and explore tools and techniques to assess competencies for coachees.
  • Discuss how the specific leadership style of a coachee may impact the coaching approach.
  • Be introduced to a leadership philosophy tool that can be utilized in coaching leaders.
  • Examine a coaching tool for leadership multiplication
  • *A leader can take many forms in Christian ministry ranging from a pastoral/ministry role to lay leadership.

*Full refund issued if cancellation is requested 72 hours prior to class.
**If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Hamilton at [email protected]
***A minimum of 9 registered students is required per course.

CCC311 | Coaching Skills for Gospel Conversations and Discipleship (9 hours)

June 27, 2025
Friday: 1:00pm–8:00pm
Brentwood Baptist Church
7777 Concord Road, Brentwood, TN 37027

Church members $75 | Ministry Partners $125 | Non-Members $250


Virtual (4 Mondays)
November 10, 2025 | 6:00-8:00 PM
November 17, 2025 | 7:00-8:15 PM
December 1, 2025 | 6:00-8:00 PM
December 8, 2025 | 7:00-8:15 PM

Church members $75 | Ministry Partners $125 | Non-Members $250


Taught in English by Michele Dyer, ACC, and Sandy Hamilton, MA, ACC.
Prerequisite: CCC 301
Course Description 311
This advanced course is designed to equip coaches on how to use coaching skills in discipleship as well as in gospel conversations. The content will explore how to define discipleship and will aid in distinguishing the differences in discipleship, mentorship, and coaching. It will also explore ways to develop trust and a safe environment for your coachee to process various gospel topics and conversations.
By completing this class, you will be able to:
  • Define “discipleship” and distinguish the differences between discipleship, mentorship, and coaching.
  • Use coaching skills and techniques to accompany discipleship and mentoring.
  • Develop an action plan for your Personal Discipleship Strategy.
  • Use coaching skills and techniques in gospel conversations and evangelism.
*Full refund issued if cancellation is requested 72 hours prior to class.
**If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Hamilton at shamilton@brentwoodbaptist.
***A minimum of 6 registered students is required per course.

Mentor coaching

Mentor coaching is a relationship between someone pursuing a coaching credential who wants to develop skills/coaching competencies and an experienced coach who gives feedback on how to improve awareness of good coaching practices.

One-on-one and group mentor coaching are both offered through the Center for Christian Coaching. Please contact Sandy Hamilton at [email protected] for further details and scheduling.

Register For a Course

Note: Must be at least 18 years old to attend classes