July 4 | Reminders and Warnings

Today’s Reading:

Read Hosea 6:1-6; 7:2,10,13-26;8:1-4,13-14;9:3,15-17

As a family read Deuteronomy 30:14-20.  What command does God give the people in verse 16?  What warning is given to the Israelites if they don’t follow that command in verse 18?  As the Israelites settled in the Promised Land and became the great nation that God had made them to be, they were given specific instructions to follow, and they were told what the consequences would be if they chose not to follow those instructions. 

Hosea’s warnings for Israel continued in our reading today.  He attempted to lead the Israelites in a prayer of repentance.  His goal was a change in their hearts, but God saw and remembered their sin and He knew that their hearts were not changed; they had unrepentant hearts and unconfessed sin.  The Israelites continued to run to the surrounding nations for help instead of running to God.  They were actually running away from God as they did that.  Hosea clearly told the Israelites that as a result, an enemy would pursue them.  Hosea warned the Israelites that they would face many challenges as a result of serving and worshiping false gods. 

The Israelites had forgotten the warning that Moses gave His Chosen People as they looked to settle in the Promised Land.  God was very clear that if they did not follow His instructions and follow only Him and not other gods, He would not bless them.  Hosea’s warnings are reminders to the people that God had not forgotten their covenant.  He would only honor His promise for protection and provision if they kept their part of the covenant and served Him only.   


Draw a picture story of what you remember about the Israelites rescue from Egypt.  Remember that as we move through the story of the Bible, while these Israelites are a different generation, they are still the same people groupGod had been faithful to their ancestors, and He would continue to be faithful- but they also needed to be faithful to God’s call on their livesThank God for His faithfulness. 

July Memory Verse:

“Truly I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.”

Using the daily reading prompts from George H. Guthrie’s Read the Bible for Life, here’s how to use this devotional:
  1. Bring your Bible!  Your kids need to see that everything you are reading to them or learning about comes from an actual Bible!
  2. Each day starts with a reading prompt.  Read the selection as a family.  If your kids are readers, encourage them to read along with you.
  3. After you’ve read the passage, read the short devotional thought that goes along with each passage.
  4. Prayer and application are important any time we read God’s word!  After each devotional, there is a challenge to help apply what your family has read that day.
  5. There is a reading for six days of the week.  The last reading of the week is a Gospel Conversation Prompt to help you connect the reading from the week with God’s plan for salvation.

Other Resources:

July Memory Verse

July memory verse song

July memory verse coloring sheet

July Fill-in the blank activity

July Prayer Calendar