Six Years Strong: Grove Hill’s Journey and Vision for the Future
“God is moving in a powerful, powerful way, and it’s been a joy and a delight to see what He’s up to.” In 2017, while...
Read Article“God is moving in a powerful, powerful way, and it’s been a joy and a delight to see what He’s up to.” In 2017, while...
Read ArticleGOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY Read Proverbs 18:24 …there is a friend who stays closer than a brother. Spend some time as a family discussing who this...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read Proverbs 17-20 Who is your best friend? Why are they your best friend? What is your favorite thing about them? Good friends...
Read ArticleIn Proverbs 17-20, the teachings focus on the value of integrity, wisdom, and discipline, contrasting these with the destructive nature of folly, strife, and wickedness. These chapters emphasize the importance of guarding one's words and actions, the perils of dishonesty and pride, and the blessings that come from righteousness and humble living.
Read DevotionalProverbs 13-16 emphasizes the virtues of wisdom, diligence, and righteousness, contrasting these with the pitfalls of foolishness, laziness, and wickedness. It highlights the protective power of wisdom and integrity, while underscoring the inevitable downfall of those who reject discipline and pursue evil.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Proverbs 13-16 Finish the pattern: Up, down. Right, Wrong. On, off. Left, _______. Did you say right? We were listing opposites. The...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read Proverbs 9-12 How would your friends describe you? Do you think that the people in your life would say anything about how...
Read ArticleIn Proverbs 9-12, wisdom and folly are juxtaposed, illustrating the benefits of wise living and the pitfalls of foolishness. Wisdom is portrayed as a well-prepared house inviting those who seek understanding, while folly is depicted as deceptive and leading to Sheol; the righteous are blessed with life and security, while the wicked face ruin and death.
Read DevotionalProverbs 5-8 discusses the dangers of seduction and the importance of marital fidelity, the folly of laziness, the consequences of engaging in wickedness, and the virtues of wisdom. It concludes with an eloquent appeal from Wisdom herself, emphasizing her role in creation and her value over material wealth, and inviting all to heed her teachings for a blessed life.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Proverbs 6:6-23; Proverbs 7:1-3; Proverbs 8 Imagine crossing a road without looking first to see if there were any cars coming. Would...
Read ArticleProverbs 1-4 presents a collection of wise sayings attributed to Solomon that emphasize the pursuit of wisdom and moral discipline as foundations for a righteous life. These chapters guide the reader through various instructions and admonitions, highlighting the contrast between the paths of wisdom and folly, and asserting that fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and a safeguard against evil.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Proverbs 1:1-19; 2:1-15; 3:1-35; 4:1-27 Is there something that you are afraid of? I don’t like frogs! I am definitely scared of...
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