Purpose of the Ministry Residency

To develop leaders for Brentwood Baptist campuses, church starts, and God’s broader mission locally and globally. While some Ministry Residents may be retained to serve at Brentwood Baptist, the residency is not a guarantee of future employment.

Ideal Candidate

  • Strong sense of calling to vocational ministry
  • Godly character and evident love for the Lord
  • Humble and teachable
  • Servant Leadership: Ministry is giving your life away to others
  • Buys into the mission, vision, and values of Brentwood Baptist
  • Fits the Brentwood Baptist culture
  • Demonstrates the competencies needed to be successful in ministry, including emotional intelligence
  • Some combination of theological education and full-time ministry experience.
  • Precondition of acceptance into the Residency program: Applicants must be authorized to work in the U.S.


Two years. Job opportunities post-residency will only be considered after 18 months. Generally, residents are expected to complete the full two years. There will be an opt-out clause after one year, informed by performance evaluations.

How many residents are there?

We will limit the number of Ministry Residents to:

  1. Those who meet our standards, and
  2. Those selected by BBC staff (or partners) who commit to mentor them through the residency

We anticipate this will be up to 5 residents.


Every resident will be selected by and assigned to a ministerial supervisor that is part of the Brentwood Baptist family. The majority of the ministry residency experience will be under the mentorship, guidance, and oversight of an individually assigned supervisor.

Seminary Education

Because we value theological training in addition to ministry experience, limited scholarships will be available for residents, giving preference to those pursuing a first master’s degree in theological education.


The first two months will be largely an orientation to various facets of Brentwood Baptist and its campuses and will include an overnight retreat. After that, the Ministry Residency cohort will gather weekly for continuing instruction. Much of the teaching will come from Brentwood Baptist staff members and leaders, with the possibility of some adjunct faculty to complement the instruction.

Ministry Tracks

Ministry Residents will be assigned to a ministry track, such as church planting, pastoral ministry, leading worship, missions, disciple making, etc., based primarily on the calling of the resident, but considering also the needs and opportunities within Brentwood Baptist Church.

Ministry Contexts

In addition to the variety of ministry tracks, Brentwood also offers various contexts in which to do ministry. This includes nine different campuses: Brentwood, Station Hill, Avenue South, West Franklin, Nolensville, Woodbine, Lockeland Springs, Harpeth Heights, and West End.

Learning Structure

  • Residency begins July 1 and finishes two years later.
  • 2 months Acclimation and Exposure followed by ministry assignment around September 1 (this will be the focus for the remaining 22 months).
  • Weekly schedule after 2 months: Campus/Ministry assignment Sunday – Wednesday. Corporate gatherings of residents on Thursdays for spiritual formation, ministry skills, biblical and theological foundations, and community building.

Summary of first two months

  • Visit/Introduction at all 9 Brentwood campuses on a Sunday morning
  • Overnight retreat to “tell our stories” and discuss and practice soul care
  • Mission/Vision, including DXD strategy
  • Church history, governance, and overview of structure (staff, campuses, ministries)
  • Self-Awareness: PLACE, Enneagram, StrengthsFinder or Myer Briggs. Unpack these with teaching and a coach
  • Preparing and delivering a sermon or lesson (Teaching/Preaching)
  • Worship: worship planning, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, including practicum of these
  • Missions: global, local, introduce staff
  • Adult Groups, Next Gen, and Family Ministry
  • Pastoral Care and Pastoral Ministry
  • Communications/Social Media
  • Ministry Skills/Leadership Principles

Criteria for determining the placement of Ministry Residents

The placement of Ministry Residents will be influenced by the following:

  1. The interests, passions, and calling of the qualified Ministry Resident
  2. The staffing needs of Brentwood and its campuses
  3. An approved and identified supervisor who selects a Ministry Resident to serve in a particular ministry or campus

Outcome & Assessment

The Ministry Resident will experience at least two evaluations before the first-year anniversary. The supervisor and church leadership reserve the right to cancel the second year of Ministry Residency based on an unsatisfactory evaluation. The Ministry Resident also has the right to opt out if he or she does not feel it is a fit.

Compensation & Benefits

  • $2,750 monthly stipend (with up to $3,000/year scholarship for a first seminary degree, i.e. M.Div.) $33,000 annualized plus up to $3,000 in scholarship
  • $3,000 monthly stipend for those who have completed their seminary degree. $36,000 annualized compensation
  • Fund-raising options may be provided for those families needing to raise additional support.