What is the Nashville Equip Center (NEC)?

The Nashville Equip Center (NEC) of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) will bring students and church leaders together from churches across Middle Tennessee and headquartered at Brentwood Baptist Church.

NEC will offer a two-year rotation of CORE courses and a suggested course rotation for Equip practicums and mentored internships that, if followed, will meet the degree requirements for the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (Mentored) (MACMm).



Enrollment Forms

Bible Expo 1

Mondays | August 19–December 2, 2024 | 5:00-6:30 PM | Brentwood Campus

Matt Pearson

Enroll Now


Tuesdays | September 3–November 19, 2024 | 4–6 PM

Live session to be held online

Dr. Paul Wilkinson | Dr. Thomas West

Enroll Now

Old Testament Intensive

October 4, 12–9 PM, & October 5, 8 AM–5 PM 2024 | Brentwood Campus

Matt Purdom | Beau Landers

Enroll Now


Students will fit into one of these goal categories:

  1. Credit toward a seminary Master’s degree
  2. Graduate Certificate in Christian Ministry (4-courses)
  3. TNT Next Level Certificate
  4. Audit to increase Biblical understanding


SEBTS Students / Non-students

  • SEBTS enrolled students pay standard tuition fees, as applied to normal course loads.
  • Graduate Certificate students pay $300 for each 3-Credit Graduate-Level Class.
  • Auditing students pay $50 per course.


The courses offered through our EQUIP partnership with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary can be used toward a variety of degrees. We are highlighting two of these degrees.


This degree is designed to equip students to serve on the staff of a local church or another ministry organization in non-senior pastoral roles. It is comprised of the vocational MA Core plus 12 hours of selectives. At least 12 hours of the degree MUST be completed as EQUIP courses taken in an approved EQUIP church or ministry organization. All remaining hours may be taken in the format of the student’s choosing, including online. Admission to this program is limited to persons holding a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent who also meet all other admission requirements for the Seminary.


  • Each 3-Credit Graduate-Level Class is only $300.
  • All classes (12 credits) in a Graduate Certificate are eligible to transfer into a Master’s degree.
  • Graduate certificates allow students to receive high-quality theological education in the same classroom alongside MA and MDiv peers.

Learn more about the 4-Course Graduate Certificate


To take classes for credit, you must be a registered Southeastern seminary student.

To enroll in the seminary, apply here.

To enroll for a Graduate Certificate, apply here.

To audit one of the next courses, please complete the Enrollment Form above, which will include a nominal fee of $50. You do not need to be a seminary student to audit.

All students, those taking for credit and those auditing, need to fill out the Enrollment Form to take a course through the Middle Tennessee Leadership Institute.

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