January 3 | Praising God for His Creation

Using the daily reading prompts from George H. Guthrie’s Read the Bible for Life, here’s how to use this devotional:
  1. Bring your Bible!  Your kids need to see that everything you are reading to them or learning about comes from an actual Bible!
  2. Each day starts with a reading prompt.  Read the selection as a family.  If your kids are readers, encourage them to read along with you.
  3. After you’ve read the passage, read the short devotional thought that goes along with each passage.
  4. Prayer and application are important any time we read God’s word!  After each devotional, there is a challenge to help apply what your family has read that day.
  5. There is a reading for six days of the week.  The last reading of the week is a Gospel Conversation Prompt to help you connect the reading from the week with God’s plan for salvation.

Today’s Reading:

Read Psalm 8

Knowing what happened in the beginning leaves us wanting to know more! What happened next?
What was the plan with all that He created? Amazingly, God created everything for a PURPOSE and for
HIS GLORY. Wondering what that means? It means that all of creation points back to HIM! We can see
GOD in all that He created. Isaiah 6:3 says, “The whole earth is full of your glory.” In everything God
created, we can see HIS fingerprints.

Psalm 8 walks us through all that God did to create the world. Read Psalm 8 and count how many times
the word majestic is used.


Wondering what the word “MAJESTIC” means? Work together to look it up and talk about why God’s
name would be called majestic. Thank Him for his creation.

Other Resources:

january memory verse

january memory verse song

january memory verse coloring sheet

january fill-in-the-blank activity

january calendar