Ezekiel: Restoration, Judgment, and God’s Extraordinary Use of Ordinary People

Ezekiel: Restoration, Judgment, and God’s Extraordinary Use of Ordinary People

In this thought-provoking episode of Sermon Notes, Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball delve into the profound themes found in the book of Ezekiel, exploring the significant ways non-super individuals are used by God to accomplish extraordinary purposes. They discuss Ezekiel’s vision of a new and abundant temple, drawing parallels to the restoration and hope amidst judgment and destruction, while also confronting the hazards of cultural idolatry and pride. As they navigate through the heavy prophecies and the systematic judgments on nations, they underscore the importance of staying faithful to one’s calling, understanding the omnipresence and sovereignty of God, and the critical role of living in accordance with His word. This episode encourages listeners to find solace in Scripture, embrace spiritual life, and remain resilient in their faith journey, awaiting the ultimate hope and redemption promised by God.