Day 8 | Fueling a Disciple Making Movement

Scripture: II Corinthians 9:10-15


Too often, we think of our money as ours when, in reality, everything we have is given to us by God to steward for His purposes (verse 10). Of course, God provides for us so that we can take care of our needs. But the greatest joy of good stewardship is not spending for ourselves, but investing in others.

Paul made this exact point when he challenged the Corinthian church to a new level of generosity. As he reminded the early Christians that God is the source of our provision (verse 10), he challenged them to use their resources to meet the needs of struggling Christians (verse 12). Their obedience in giving would encourage other believers on their spiritual journey (verse 13).

At our church, giving fuels disciple-making movements. But our giving also changes us. God does not need our money; rather, He gives us the ability to be generous so we can partner with Him as we choose to be obedient by giving.

How does your giving reflect your obedience?

A Personal Prayer

Thank God for faithfully providing for your needs and for those who have shown you generosity. Ask Him to cultivate a spirit of true generosity in your heart and to give you courage to share your time, talents, and resources as a blessing to those around you. Pray for a specific financial need you can meet within your circle of influence and for opportunities to show His love through generous acts.

Pray for Our Community: South Haven Arabic Baptist Church

South Haven Arabic Baptist Church, led by Pastor Gasim Domkog, serves Nashville’s Arabic-speaking community, sharing the gospel and providing a welcoming church home for Arabic families and individuals. Since its founding in November 2021, the church has grown into a vibrant congregation, offering worship, Sunday school, and fellowship programs to encourage growth and connection in Christ.

Pray for Pastor Gasim Domkog and church leaders, asking God to grant them wisdom, strength, and encouragement in their ministry.

Ask God to bless and protect their transportation ministry, which enables many families to stay connected to the church and grow in their faith.

Pray for continued growth and outreach, that South Haven Arabic Baptist Church would be a beacon of gospel hope for Arabic-speaking families in Nashville.

Prayer for the Nations: Global Workers, Mac & Grace

Mac and Grace serve The Point Church in Vancouver, British Columbia, where they engage with a diverse community of students from around the world at Simon Fraser University. They foster connections and share the gospel, striving to love God, love people, and serve all while nurturing their family, including their son Thaddeus. Mac and Grace are seeing people come to faith and church members grow passionate about evangelism.

Pray for spiritual growth within The Point Church, that members deepen their understanding of belonging to Christ and the church community.

Ask God to grant Mac and Grace wisdom and boldness as they share the gospel and build relationships in their local community.