Day 35 | How are you being discipled? 

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1 


We often hear about the importance of discipleship, but many of us struggle to find it in our daily lives. It’s easy to feel like we’re walking this journey alone or missing out on the kind of spiritual guidance we hoped for. Yet, even in seasons where intentional discipleship feels distant, God still calls us to grow and be shaped as followers of Jesus. 

If you find yourself in a place where you’re not being actively discipled by others, consider how God might be inviting you to grow in vulnerability and humility to receive the wisdom of brothers and sisters ahead of you in their spiritual walks with the Lord.  

Look for discipleship in community. Sometimes, discipleship happens informally—through conversations with friends, serving together, or learning from those around us. We can gain spiritual insight and encouragement from the people God has already placed in our lives. 

Pursue a posture of learning. Discipleship isn’t about perfection; it’s about being teachable and open to growth. Ask God to show you areas where you can learn and mature, and be intentional about seeking out resources, mentors, or experiences that can help you grow. 

Let’s be encouraged to take ownership of our spiritual journey, knowing that Jesus honors our vulnerability, and as we follow His lead, we may just find that we’re equipped to disciple others along the way. 

A Personal Prayer 

  • Ask God to reveal your need for discipleship in your heart and walk with Him. Praise Him for how He has shown Himself to you in both your mountains and valleys. Pray for a mentor to imitate as they follow Christ and give you the boldness to seek their guidance. Thank God for the saints who have gone before you, teaching you His character through their lives. 

Pray for Our Community: Dalewood Baptist Church

  • Dalewood Baptist Church in Nashville, TN, is one of Brentwood Baptist’s partners in church revitalization, working together to establish 100+ healthy churches across Middle Tennessee. We pray for spiritual renewal at Dalewood, impactful outreach in the community, and strong leadership as the church grows into a thriving gospel presence in Nashville. 
    • Pray for spiritual growth within Dalewood so that each member will experience renewed faith and a deepening relationship with Christ. 
    • Ask God to guide and strengthen Dalewood’s leaders, equipping them with wisdom and vision as they revitalize the church. 
    • Pray for new leaders to arise, empowered by the Spirit to support Dalewood’s mission and ministries in impactful ways.

Prayer for the Nations: Global Workers, Amy & Steve

  • Amy and Steve Aaron serve with Living Hope in South Africa, where Amy coordinates donor relations, and Steve manages facilities across eight campuses. They are dedicated to sharing the gospel and supporting their community through compassionate service. 
    • Pray for wisdom and provision as they respond to local crises and safety amid increasing crime in their area. 
    • Ask God to deepen their connections with non-believers, increasing their gospel impact and providing sustained resources for their ministry.