Day 33 | The Foundation of our Faith

Scripture: Romans 1:16


The gospel impacts every part of our life. It is the foundation of our faith, the truth that we’re called to prioritize above all else.

God created our world, and it was perfect, without sin. Yet we sinned and disobeyed God. But God had a plan—a redemption story set in motion from the beginning—where His perfect Son would come to rescue us, be our living sacrifice, and defeat death and sin in His resurrection. Praise God that our salvation is found in Him! He came as a sinless and perfect sacrifice so that we could have life and life abundant (John 10:10).

To live “Gospel First and Always” means our lives should be marked by this truth. When we begin each day in prayer, inviting God to guide us, we are living out the gospel. When we are generous and loving, allowing our actions to show others the love of Christ, we are reflecting the gospel. And, most importantly, when we share the gospel boldly, we are doing exactly what Paul urged us to do—living without shame, making the good news known to those around us.

Since the early church, believers have proclaimed, “Jesus is Lord,” often facing persecution. Yet, they stood firm, knowing the gospel is the power that brings salvation. God’s plan for the spreading of this message is His church. Just as the gospel came first to the Jew, then to the Greek (Gentile), we now recognize our call as the church to boldly share this life-changing message without shame or reservation, just like those who have gone before.

As we consider passing down our history and our legacy, let us consider the gospel first and always, for it is the power that leads to salvation.

A Personal Prayer

  • Ask God for boldness to display the Gospel of Christ in both your daily walk and your witness. Pray that those in your circle of influence will recognize their legacy as image bearers of God through the love and grace you show them.

Pray for Our Community: Both Hands

  • Both Hands is a nonprofit dedicated to serving widows and orphans by organizing volunteer-led workdays that repair homes for widows while raising funds for adoptive families. Rooted in James 1:27, Both Hands brings hope, practical support, and a way to live out the gospel through meaningful acts of service.
  • Pray for the widows served by Both Hands, that they would feel loved, supported, and valued through the care and assistance they receive.
  • Ask God to bless and encourage families pursuing adoption, strengthening them as they work to welcome children into their homes.
  • Pray for the volunteers and organizers, that God would grant them compassion, energy, and joy as they serve widows and orphans.

Prayer for the Nations: Final Command

  • Final Command is an international ministry dedicated to multiplying disciples and expanding God’s Kingdom through ordinary people partnering with Him. Their mission is to help individuals discover God, obey Him, and train them to replicate their experiences by sharing with others.
  • Pray for international partner Final Command as they train pastors and start churches in places where boldly proclaiming the gospel is difficult and even dangerous.
  • Ask that the life-saving message of the gospel will go forward despite strongholds and obstacles, and for God to raise up “Persons of Peace” within communities to enable vibrant Discovery Groups and disciple-making movements.