Day 3 | The Whole Person

Scripture: Romans 15:7


Many of us are prone to believe that we must only bring “our best” to church or offer the most polished parts of ourselves to the Kingdom. While we are called to a higher standard in our holiness, there’s a deeper truth here. God call us to commit our whole selves to Him, but we’re also given a multitude of examples in Scripture where God uses ordinary and broken people to do extraordinary things for the Kingdom.

Why not model to the lost what it means to bring our whole selves to Jesus’ feet by doing so ourselves?

Our perceived imperfections are irrelevant to the grace we’ve been given. We have freedom to walk boldly and fearlessly. Lest we forget, the Promised Land was given to the Israelites by God’s grace, not by their own works. There are some parts of people we may not feel like giving the gospel to, but engaging the whole person means accepting the parts that make us uncomfortable or that we’d rather ignore.

We are not perfect, but in Christ, we are made perfect, and through the eyes of the Kingdom, that is all that matters. Who in your circle of influence is God calling you to accept radically and boldly for the sake of the gospel? What parts of them are most difficult for you to look past? Ask God to remind you that He has not only looked past their imperfections but yours, too.

A Personal Prayer

God, remind me of the grace You have poured out to me. Help me see that any grace that I give to others is from You alone. Help me see past the parts of people that make me uncomfortable and see them as you do: made in your image and saved by grace.

Pray for Our Community: Scarlet Hope

Scarlet Hope is a ministry focused on reaching women in the adult entertainment industry with the love and message of Jesus Christ. Through a gospel-centered community, resources, and supportive relationships, Scarlett Hope empowers these women to discover their worth as beloved children of God and to embrace a new life in Him.

Pray that the women in this ministry would come to know Jesus and that their lives would be radically changed by the gospel.

Ask God to strengthen and sustain Scarlet Hope’s relationships with the women they serve.

Pray for open hearts, that these women would be drawn to the hope and freedom offered in Jesus.

Prayer for the Nations: Clubhouse Guatemala

Clubhouse Guatemala is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to reaching the lost in Guatemala through various creative outreach methods. With a focus on meeting physical and spiritual needs, Clubhouse provides discipleship, education, and essential resources such as medical care, housing, and school supplies, all while sharing the love of Christ.

Pray that outreach efforts effectively draw children and families to Jesus.

Ask God for resources to expand their impact and meet physical needs while sharing the gospel.