Scripture: Acts 2:42-47
Acts 2:42-47 gives us a beautiful picture of the early church: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… All the believers were together and had everything in common.” This passage emphasizes their deep commitment to one another. Their devotion wasn’t just to learning about God but also to living in an authentic, loving community.
Their commitment to one another included sharing meals, fulfilling needs, praying together, and living side by side. Their love for God overflowed into real acts of love for one another. They considered themselves not only as individuals but as members of a greater family of believers, united by their shared faith. They considered themselves not only as individuals but as members of a greater family of believers, united by their shared faith.
The result of this devotion was a powerful witness to the world. Many saw their love and commitment to one another and wanted to be a part of this family, as verse 47 says, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Their love and unity drew others to Jesus.
This passage reminds us today that being part of the body of Christ means more than attending church services. It’s about being genuinely committed to one another—sharing our lives, meeting needs, and growing in faith together. When we’re devoted to each other in this way, our communities reflect the love of Christ, and God can use that to draw others to Himself.
How can you show devotion to your brothers and sisters in Christ today? True Christian community calls for commitment to God’s community as it brings glory to God and strengthens us as we journey together in faith.
A Personal Prayer
- Ask God to help you recognize your need for the influence of other believers in your life, strengthening your faith through community. Pray for opportunities for your group to connect with and serve your neighbors, extending His love to those around you.
Pray for Our Community: Begin Anew
- Begin Anew is a ministry providing hope and education to adults seeking a fresh start, empowering them with skills for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Through mentorship, leadership development, and community support, Begin Anew equips individuals to impact their families and communities with Christ’s love.
- Pray for God to raise up new mentors, leaders, and coaches to inspire and guide Begin Anew’s students toward a successful fresh start.
- Ask God to help Begin Anew’s students experience His love, know their worth, and find purpose in impacting future generations.
- Pray for each of the four Begin Anew locations, that they would continue to thrive as places of learning, community, and encouragement.
Prayer for the Nations: Transformation Nepal
- Transformation Nepal (TN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching the marginalized and underprivileged communities in Nepal. Founded in 2005, TN focuses on holistic development through education, sustainable livelihood initiatives, disaster management, healthcare, and advocacy, aiming to foster a prosperous society guided by social justice and human dignity.
- Pray for lasting change in the lives of those served by Transformation Nepal.
- Ask God for wisdom and strength for the staff and volunteers as they work in diverse communities.