Day 21 | Loving Others Like Jesus

Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25, Ephesians 5:18-20


When I think about how God has loved me, the first three characteristics that come to my mind are these: He loves me personally, sacrificially, and unconditionally. When I think about how I love my friends, neighbors, and community… I can’t say that those are the first characteristics that come to my mind. Can you?

We aren’t called to love out of convenience or comfort, but with a love that is personal, selfless, and unconditional. He doesn’t simply encourage us to love like this; He commands it. He laid down His life for us, not because we earned it but because He chose to love us completely. When it comes to our communities, are we loving each other in the way that Christ has loved us?

This is a high calling, but it is one we can strive toward every day. We love because He first loved us, and our love for others can be a powerful witness of our faith. God designed us to live in community, to gather together to grow, encourage, and love each other. In fellowship, we find strength and accountability to love deeply and intentionally. Gathering together reminds us of His love and of the ways we’re called to share that love.

Today, ask yourself: In what ways can I love more personally, more sacrificially, and more unconditionally? How can I show this love to my friends, my community, and even those who are difficult to love? As we love like Jesus, we point others to Him and show that we are His.

A Personal Prayer

  • Ask God to show you ways to encourage those you encounter as you gather with His people, and pray that you, too, would find encouragement in worship with your brothers and sisters. Seek His help in being open and authentic about your own struggles, inviting support and connection from others in your faith community.

Pray for Our Community: Real Life Ft. Campbell

  • Real Life Ft. Campbell, led by Pastor Erik Maloy in Clarksville, TN, is a new church plant focused on reaching the Ft. Campbell community and beyond with the gospel. With a mission to “Love God, Love People, Make Disciples, and Plant Churches,” this church aims to serve military families and mobilize disciples who will carry the gospel both locally and globally.
  • Pray for Pastor Erik Maloy, Associate Pastor Richard Christian, and the leadership team, asking God for wisdom, strength, and vision as they guide this new church.
  • Ask God to enable Real Life Ft. Campbell to effectively reach military families, veterans, and local residents, drawing them to Christ.
  • Pray that their disciple-making efforts would multiply, impacting Clarksville and beyond with the gospel’s transformative power.

Prayer for the Nations: Global Workers, Kevin & Casey

  • Kevin and Casey are dedicated to planting churches among the Deaf community in Southeast Asia. His mission focuses on building relationships and fostering connections within this unique group while sharing the gospel.
  • Pray for Kevin and Casey to establish a strong Christian community among the Deaf and for him to connect with other Deaf individuals to enhance communication and collaboration.
  • Ask for boldness for Kevin, Casey, and Deaf believers in sharing their faith and discipling others, as well as for safety and security in their ministry efforts.