Day 20 | Being a Faithful Steward

Scripture: Proverbs 3:9


Honoring the Lord means being mindful and recognizing that everything we have belongs to Him. We are called to be faithful stewards of what He has entrusted to us. When we give, it’s a response rooted in acknowledging that our resources are His to begin with.

Giving requires us to engage with the world through this lens. It’s placing our trust in the Lord, acknowledging that when we freely give, we are confident that He will provide. Honoring the Lord means not clinging tightly to what we have out of fear but releasing it with faith that He will continue to care for us.

He is glorified when we live in obedience to His calling. He is glorified when we are faithful with what we have been given. He is glorified when we worship and praise Him, not just with our words, but with the way we live our lives and give of our time and resources. In recognizing Him as Lord over all, our trust grows deeper, and we experience the joy of honoring Him with the material things He has entrusted us with.

Today, consider how you can trust God more deeply by honoring Him with what He has given you.

A Personal Prayer

  • Acknowledge that everything you have belongs to God, and thank Him for the gifts He has entrusted to you. Ask Him to guide you in generously using your time, talents, treasures, and testimonies to reach your neighbors and share His love. Pray for wisdom to be a faithful steward of all He has given you, especially in reaching those who are lost and searching.

Pray for Our Community: His Holy Hill

  • His Holy Hill, led by Pastor Mo Obayomi in Murfreesboro, TN, is a partner in the mission to establish 100+ healthy churches across Middle Tennessee. With a vision for a diverse, united community of believers, His Holy Hill seeks to cultivate “vessels of honor” devoted to prayer, teaching, worship, and discipleship, equipping members to represent Christ in their daily lives.
  • Pray for Pastor Mo and the leadership team, that God would grant them wisdom, strength, and encouragement in their mission to disciple and unite the church.
  • Ask God to foster unity among the diverse community at His Holy Hill, drawing members closer to God and one another.
  • Pray that His Holy Hill would be a powerful catalyst for the gospel in Murfreesboro, inspiring others to live for Christ in their everyday lives.

Prayer for the Nations: Global Workers, Matthew & Julia

  • Matthew and Julia coordinate outreach programs in Southeastern Europe, sharing Christ’s love through therapy, sports, and health initiatives in a community deeply impacted by trauma, atheism, and Islam. They have two house church groups and recently celebrated baptisms.
  • Pray for the individuals close to making faith decisions in their house churches, that they may fully embrace the gospel, and for God to send additional team members to support their ministry.
  • Ask for wisdom and discernment for Matthew and Julia as they seek guidance for their next steps, that their outreach efforts would continue to grow and bear fruit.