Day 18 | Always on Mission

Scripture: Matthew 4:19-23


We embrace the Great Commission’s call to ‘go’ by reaching people wherever we are—starting in our own neighborhoods and extending to the ends of the earth. We are empowered to make disciples, beginning right where we are, then reaching our surrounding communities, and ultimately impacting people across the world.

In today’s reading, we see Jesus traveling throughout Galilee—His home. He prioritized serving those around Him, recognizing that loving our neighbor starts close to home and extends to everyone within our reach.

Jesus didn’t just proclaim the good news of the Kingdom; He also met people’s physical needs, healing their illnesses and diseases. Likewise, our mission goes beyond words; we’re called to serve others by addressing their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.

Jesus consistently lived on mission, sharing the good news even in familiar and “comfortable” spaces. He never took a break from showing God’s love. Today, think about how you can impact those in your circle with the good news, through both words and actions.

A Personal Prayer

  • Ask God to show you how you can serve those around you, giving you eyes to see the lost and searching. Pray for awareness of those in need of His light where you live, work, and play, and for guidance to be a light to them.

Pray for Our Community: Cul2Vate

  • Cul2Vate, a nonprofit in Middle Tennessee, addresses both physical and spiritual hunger by “Growing Food and Growing People.” Based on Matthew 25:35—“I was hungry, and you fed me”—Cul2Vate grows fresh produce for food-insecure communities and provides job training and life skills to individuals in need of a fresh start.
  • Pray for an abundant harvest, that Cul2Vate’s fresh produce would reach and nourish those in need across food deserts in Middle Tennessee.
  • Ask God to bless the Cul2vators, providing them with growth opportunities in job skills and life skills.
  • Pray for each Cul2vator’s spiritual development, that they would encounter God’s love and transformation as they work the land.

Prayer for the Nations: African Leadership

  • African Leadership is dedicated to equipping the next generation of leaders across Africa, fostering thriving communities through Gospel-centered relationships. With a presence in 11 countries, they are committed to developing leaders who can create positive change and impact in their communities.
  • Pray for wisdom and strength for those leading leaders, that they may effectively inspire and cultivate the vision of a thriving community among those they serve.
  • Ask God to multiply the impact of their work across Africa, that the leaders trained through African Leadership will bring hope and transformation to their nations and communities.