Scripture: Acts 2:41-47
What makes a church healthy? In our modern context, it’s tempting to measure church health by metrics like attendance numbers, building size, or budget. While these aren’t inherently wrong, the early church in Acts gives us a radically different picture of true church health.
As we work toward building a network of 100+ healthy churches, we look to the early church as our model. Just after Pentecost, we see the first Christian church taking shape with distinctive characteristics that marked their community. They were devoted to biblical teaching, not as casual listeners but as people hungry for God’s Word. Their fellowship went far beyond Sunday greetings—they shared their lives and resources, ensuring no one had unmet needs. Their gatherings centered on worship and prayer, combining reverence with authentic celebration of God’s goodness.
Most notably, they didn’t exist in isolation. Their transformed lives and genuine love for others caught their neighbors’ attention, leading to daily additions to their number. This growth wasn’t their primary goal—it was the natural outcome of their faithful devotion to God and each other.
As we pursue this vision of multiplication, we must resist defining success by worldly standards. True church health isn’t primarily about size or resources—it’s about faithfulness to these biblical principles: devotion to God’s Word, genuine community, vibrant worship, faithful prayer, and engaged mission. These are the markers that should measure our progress and guide our growth.
A Personal Prayer
- Ask God to show you unique ways to contribute to the health of the church. Reflecting on Acts 2:43, pray for a renewed sense of awe for all that He continues to do in the life of your church.
Pray for Our Community: International Leadership Coalition (ILC)
- The International Leadership Coalition (ILC) equips and supports international ministers in Tennessee, providing a 15-month Ministry Training Program led by Pastor Fady Al-Hagal. Built on four core pillars—Minister, Message, Mission, and Ministry—the program aims to develop servant leaders, deepen biblical knowledge, and empower effective mission work.
- Pray for Pastor Fady Al-Hagal and the ILC board, asking God for wisdom, strength, and guidance as they lead and support church-planting efforts.
- Ask God to bless the ILC with resources and opportunities for growth, bringing about many salvations and baptisms.
- Pray that those trained through the ILC would become courageous leaders and disciple-makers in their communities.
Prayer for the Nations: Global Workers, Kelly & Janice
- Kelly and Janice are actively involved in church planting and developing discipleship materials in Germany, while also fostering collaboration among local churches. They are committed to sharing the gospel and training new global workers as they navigate the challenges of ministry.
- Pray for Janice and Kelly as they both have had major health issues recently. Please pray for continued health, strength, endurance, and peace for them and their family.
- Ask God to raise up leaders and disciples in the churches they help plant, that their efforts would bear fruit and transform lives in the community.