Day 12 | Multiplying Ministry

Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-20


Sharing the gospel with millions seems intimidating, doesn’t it? It’s not a task any one person could do on their own. Thankfully, as believers, we can rest in the knowledge that we don’t have to do it alone.

Paul reminded the church at Ephesus of the power they had because of their faith in Jesus. He prayed that they would be “strengthened in power…. through His spirit.” As Christ followers, we can pray that same prayer and claim that same power! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us. We don’t have to be intimidated by the call to reach millions of people because we know that answering that call is not something we can do in our own strength.

If you trace the missionary journeys of Paul, you will find that as he traveled, he shared the gospel with small groups who, in turn, shared the gospel with others. Many of Paul’s letters were written when he was in prison, yet the churches that God used Paul to start grew and flourished. The message of the gospel spread because of the power of God’s Spirit, even though Paul was not with them.

As Christ followers, we can be encouraged that God can and will do the same today! Sharing the gospel with one person, sending a team out on a mission journey, or sending a global worker out to an unreached people group are all catalysts God can use to multiply ministry. Through all these things, we can and will see millions reached with the gospel of Christ.

A Personal Prayer

  • Praise God for His power and strength, thanking Him for allowing you to be part of His work. Ask Him to reveal areas in your prayer life where you can pray with greater boldness and expectation and thank Him for working in ways beyond what you can foresee. Pray for increased faith and renewed affection toward Him as you experience His goodness and power.

Pray for Our Community: Arabic Community Fellowship

  • Arabic Community Fellowship, led by Pastor Wagdy Zakher in Smyrna, TN, partners with Brentwood Baptist in the mission to establish 100+ healthy churches in Middle Tennessee. Serving as a spiritual home for Arabic-speaking individuals and families, this fellowship offers a welcoming environment where members can deepen their faith and grow as disciples of Jesus.
  • Pray for Pastor Wagdy Zakher and the leadership team, asking God to provide wisdom, strength, and vision as they lead their congregation.
  • Ask God to bless the church’s mission to reach Arabic-speaking individuals in Smyrna, that many would come to know Jesus through their ministry.
  • Pray for gospel conversations within the community, that Arabic Community Fellowship would shine as a light of Christ’s love in Smyrna.

Prayer for the Nations: Kurmi people of India

  • Let’s take time to pray for the Kurmi people, one of the unreached groups in India with a population of over 21 million.
  • Pray that the Kurmi will hear the gospel and recognize Jesus as their hope and Savior, leading them to repentance and faith in Him.
  • Ask God to ignite a discipleship movement among the Kurmi, resulting in new church plants and strong communities of believers.
  • Pray for workers to be sent to the Kurmi people, equipped to share the gospel and make disciples who will then reach others.
  • Pray for encouragement and strength for current Kurmi followers of Jesus, that they may boldly share their faith and impact those around them.