Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 22:37-40
What comes to your mind when you read the words, “Engaging the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ, anywhere, anytime, with anybody?” Though this is our church’s mission statement, it is also a calling to Christ followers everywhere. Each day, we have 24 hours to make much of Jesus where we live, work, and play. God has purposefully placed you in your dorm room, neighborhood, or apartment complex for a reason – so that you can make disciples as you share your faith. So, we go back to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-4). Do you love your neighbor enough to tell them the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is there room in your schedule to serve the lost in your community?
As you begin this year, know that you are equipped with every tool necessary to share your faith. We are praying that this will be the year that you join our church in making disciples that multiply disciples as we engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody. Over the next six days, we are going to unpack this mission statement word for word. But today, please take time to sit with the entire statement.
Which words stand out? Is God convicting you of something?
We are in this together, and we are eager to see how God will move in your heart over the next 40 days.
A Personal Prayer
Thank God for those who shared the whole gospel with you, remembering them by name. Ask Him for compassion and courage to share this truth with others and praise Him for inviting you into His work.
Pray for Our Community: Oak Cottage for Women
The Oak Cottage for Women in Franklin, TN, provides housing, life skills training, and support to formerly incarcerated women helping them transition back into society with purpose and hope. Founded by Judy Felts, this six-month program offers a safe gospel-centered environment where women can rebuild their lives.
Pray for Judy and that God would grant her wisdom and compassion as she leads this ministry.
Pray for the women at The Oak Cottage growing in their new faith to deepen their knowledge and love for the Lord.
Ask God to give these women strength and courage as they reconnect and share Christ’s love with family and friends.
Prayer for the Nations: Turkey
Turkey serves as a vital link between the East and West, blending rich cultural influences and providing a significant opportunity for church movements that could impact many Muslim communities. Join us as we pray for the Republic of Turkey, the global workers who serve there, and the Christ followers who boldly share the gospel with their neighbors.
Pray that churches and mission organizations will embrace the challenge of reaching the Turkish people, fostering a movement that leads to spiritual awakening.
Ask God to grant boldness to Turkish believers as they share the gospel with their communities, helping to break down barriers to faith.