Covenant Promises: The Old Testament Foundations and Our Spiritual Response

Covenant Promises: The Old Testament Foundations and Our Spiritual Response

In this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, hosts Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball embark on a theological exploration of the Old Testament’s depiction of divine covenants, with particular emphasis on the enduring nature of God’s promises. The dialogue journeys through Abraham’s formative experiences, from the initial call and the concept of a “geography of grace,” to his descendants’ lasting legacies.

They consider the profound implications of God expanding the covenant with Abraham— an expression of divine assurance that nurtures faith, hope, and perseverance. The episode also examines the powerful symbolism of circumcision, the gravity of human sin as exemplified in the Sodom and Gomorrah narrative, and the fundamental notions of judgment and salvation. As they engage the chronology of Scripture and its unifying thread across Brentwood Baptist’s campuses, Strother and Ball guide their audience through an analysis of faith under trial, the interplay of human folly and divine sovereignty, and the call to holiness amidst life’s complexities.