Our Vision for Columbia

As we seek to Engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ, the city of Columbia serves as an important geographical and cultural hub along the I-65 South corridor. With over 150 Station Hill families already living in Columbia, God has uniquely positioned Brentwood Baptist and our Station Hill campus to join other established churches to serve Columbia and surrounding towns.

One of those churches we’ve partnered with is West End Baptist Church. Our members and West End Baptist Church have sensed a calling to explore a merger between our two churches. This calling is why we are excited to present our members with a resolution to launch a Columbia Campus and pursue a merger with West End Baptist Church.

West End Baptist Church aligns with our values and DNA, and they’re excited to join the Brentwood Baptist family. This merger will allow us to jumpstart planting a campus in the Columbia area.

We believe that this merger has the potential to reach unsaved, un-churched, and spiritually under-fed people in the Columbia area and help us fulfill our mission of engaging the whole person with the whole gospel anytime, anywhere, with anybody.

Resolution Vote on December 11 & 18

Click here to view a sample ballot

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Brentwood Baptist incur any debt for the Columbia Campus or the West End Baptist merger?

No. Brentwood Baptist will not incur any debt for the launch of the Columbia Campus or West End Baptist merger.

Has West End Baptist Church voted to join Brentwood Baptist?

Yes! West End Baptist Church has voted to confirm its desire to join Brentwood Baptist.

What is the timeline for the merger?

If the church affirms the launch of the Columbia Campus and the merger with West End Baptist Church, we hope to complete the merger by Easter to coincide with a soft launch and do an official hard launch in the fall.

What will the name of the new campus be?

Assuming the church approves the resolution, the new Columbia Campus will be called “The Church at West End.”

How can I help with the Columbia Campus

Please go to the Station Hill campus’s Columbia launch team webpage for ways to help with the Columbia Campus.

Who is going to pastor this congregation?

West End Baptist Church’s current pastor, Rick Elsey, has agreed to serve as interim pastor during the merger. Once the merger is finalized, we will begin searching for a campus pastor.