The Legacy of Prayer at Brentwood Baptist

In this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, host Jay Strother sits down with guests Gayle Haywood and Janet Waters to explore the profound impact of prayer in the life of Brentwood Baptist Church during their 40 days of prayer emphasis.

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Daily Devotional
February 11, 2025

Genesis 44, Mark 14, Job 10, Romans 14

Genesis 44: Joseph tests his brothers by planting his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack, leading Judah to offer himself in Benjamin’s place. Mark 14: Jesus is anointed in Bethany, shares the Last Supper, prays in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, and is denied by Peter. Job 10: Job laments his suffering, questions God’s justice, and longs for relief from his pain and sorrow. Romans 14: Paul urges believers to avoid judging one another and to live in love, prioritizing peace and unity over personal freedom.

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Daily Devotional
February 10, 2025

Genesis 43, Mark 13, Job 9, Romans 13

Genesis 43: Jacob sends his sons back to Egypt with Benjamin, gifts, and double the silver, hoping for mercy from Joseph. Mark 13: Jesus warns of coming tribulations, false messiahs, and the need for vigilance before His return in glory. Job 9: Job acknowledges God’s unmatched power and justice, lamenting his inability to contend with Him or find a mediator. Romans 13: Paul urges believers to submit to authorities, love others as the fulfillment of the law, and live in readiness for Christ.

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Daily Devotional
February 9, 2025

Genesis 42, Mark 12, Job 8, Romans 12

Genesis 42: Joseph’s brothers travel to Egypt for grain, unknowingly bow before him, and return home with full sacks and deep fear. Mark 12: Jesus teaches through parables, answers questions about taxes and resurrection, highlights the greatest commandments, and commends a widow’s offering. Job 8: Bildad insists that Job’s suffering is due to sin and urges him to seek God for restoration. Romans 12: Paul calls believers to be living sacrifices, use their gifts for the body of Christ, and overcome evil with good.

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Day 40 | Faith in Action

Matthew 25:40 reminds us that serving others is a reflection of Christ's love. Pray for Siloam Health as they provide holistic care to neighbors from all nations, and for Mission Eurasia as they train young leaders to share the gospel across challenging regions. Ask God to strengthen your heart for service and create ripples of His hope through your actions.

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Daily Devotional
February 8, 2025

Genesis 41, Mark 11, Job 7, Romans 11

Genesis 41: Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, is made second-in-command over Egypt, and wisely stores grain before a severe famine strikes. Mark 11: Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly, cleanses the temple, curses a barren fig tree, and teaches about faith and authority. Job 7: Job laments his suffering, questions God’s attention to humanity, and longs for relief before his death. Romans 11: Paul explains that Israel’s rejection is not final, warns Gentiles against arrogance, and praises God’s sovereign plan of salvation.

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Day 39 | Way, Truth, and Life

Jesus’ words in John 14:6 remind us of the urgency to share His love with the lost. Pray for Of One Accord Ministries as they provide holistic care in Northeast Tennessee, and for Evelyn as she disciples church leaders and builds relationships among an unreached people group. Ask God for boldness, wisdom, and perseverance to make Christ known locally and globally.

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Daily Devotional
February 7, 2025

Genesis 40, Mark 10, Job 6, Romans 10

Genesis 40: Joseph, still in prison, interprets the dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker. He predicts the cupbearer’s restoration and the baker’s execution, both of which come true. However, the cupbearer forgets to mention Joseph to Pharaoh. Mark 10: Jesus teaches on divorce, blesses children, and challenges the rich young ruler to give up his wealth. He predicts His death a third time, corrects James and John’s request for glory, and heals blind Bartimaeus, emphasizing faith and service. Job 6: Job responds to Eliphaz, expressing the depth of his suffering and his frustration with his friends' lack of understanding. He pleads for true comfort and challenges them to show him where he has sinned. Romans 10: Paul declares that salvation comes through faith in Christ, not by the law. He emphasizes that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved and highlights Israel’s rejection of the gospel, despite its clear proclamation.

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Day 38 | Praying for the Lost & Searching

Let your heart long for the salvation of the lost, as Paul’s did in Romans 10:1. Pray for The Well Outreach as they provide nourishment and hope to families in Spring Hill, and for Daniel and Sandra in Central Mexico as they share the gospel through storytelling and discipleship. Ask God for boldness to share His love and for open doors to reach those who need Him.

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Daily Devotional
February 6, 2025

Genesis 39, Mark 9, Job 5, Romans 9

Genesis 39: Joseph, now a slave in Egypt, prospers under God's blessing in Potiphar’s house but is falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison. Even in prison, God grants him favor, and he is placed in charge of the prisoners. Mark 9: Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John. He heals a boy possessed by a demon, teaches about true greatness through servanthood, and warns about causing others to stumble. He calls His disciples to radical holiness and to have peace with one another. Job 5: Eliphaz continues his speech, advising Job to seek God for help, emphasizing that God disciplines those He loves. He describes how God protects the weak and frustrates the plans of the wicked, urging Job to accept divine correction. Romans 9: Paul expresses sorrow over Israel’s rejection of Christ. He explains God's sovereign choice, using the examples of Isaac, Jacob, and Pharaoh, and emphasizes that salvation comes through faith, not works. He highlights how Gentiles have obtained righteousness by faith, while Israel stumbled by seeking it through the law.

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Day 37 | Life Giving Biblical Community

Living out our faith in community strengthens us through prayer, accountability, and shared burdens. Pray for Room in the Inn as they support Nashville’s unhoused community with shelter and care, and for Britney and Micah in Sub-Saharan Africa as they meet medical and spiritual needs while discipling others. Ask God to deepen your trust in Him and guide you to a community of faith.

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