Daily Devotional
March 26, 2025

Exodus 37, John 16, Proverbs 13, Ephesians 6

Exodus 37: Bezalel crafts the Ark, table, lampstand, and altar of incense with gold and fine materials as God commanded. John 16: Jesus prepares His disciples for His departure, promising the Holy Spirit to guide them and assuring them of victory over the world. Proverbs 13: Wisdom leads to life and blessing, while foolishness results in destruction and lack. Ephesians 6: Paul calls believers to honor relationships, stand firm in spiritual warfare with the armor of God, and pray with perseverance.

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Daily Devotional
March 25, 2025

Exodus 36, John 15, Proverbs 12, Ephesians 5

Exodus 36: The Israelites bring more than enough materials for the Tabernacle, and Bezalel and Oholiab begin constructing it exactly as the Lord commanded. John 15: Jesus teaches that He is the vine and His followers are the branches. Abiding in Him produces fruit, love, and obedience, but the world will hate His disciples just as it hated Him. Proverbs 12: Wisdom and righteousness lead to security, while foolishness and deceit bring downfall. Diligence, honesty, and kind words bring life and peace. Ephesians 5: Paul calls believers to walk in love and holiness, living as children of light. He urges wise living, Spirit-filled worship, and mutual submission, emphasizing Christ’s love as the model for marriage.

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Daily Devotional
March 24, 2025

Exodus 35, John 14, Proverbs 11, Ephesians 4

Exodus 35: The Israelites bring freewill offerings for the Tabernacle, and God appoints Bezalel and Oholiab with skill and wisdom to lead the work. John 14: Jesus comforts His disciples, declaring that He is the way, the truth, and the life. He promises the Holy Spirit and gives His peace. Proverbs 11: Righteousness leads to life and stability, while dishonesty, pride, and wickedness lead to destruction. Ephesians 4: Paul urges believers to walk in unity, maturity, and holiness, putting off the old self and living in truth, love, and righteousness.

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Daily Devotional
March 23, 2025

Exodus 34, John 13, Proverbs 10, Ephesians 3

Exodus 34: God renews His covenant with Israel, reveals His compassionate and just nature, and Moses' face shines after speaking with Him. John 13: Jesus washes His disciples' feet, predicts Judas' betrayal, and gives a new commandment to love one another. Proverbs 10: Righteousness leads to life and security, while wickedness brings destruction and ruin. Ephesians 3: Paul reveals the mystery of Christ—that Gentiles are coheirs in salvation—and prays for believers to grasp the depth of God’s love.

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Daily Devotional
March 22, 2025

Exodus 33, John 12, Proverbs 9, Ephesians 2

Exodus 33: Moses pleads for God's presence to remain with Israel, and God allows Moses to see His glory from the cleft of a rock. John 12: Jesus is anointed by Mary, enters Jerusalem as King, predicts His death, and calls people to believe in Him as the light of the world. Proverbs 9: Wisdom and folly both call out, but only those who seek wisdom will find life, while those who follow folly are led to destruction. Ephesians 2: Through Christ, God brings the dead to life by grace, breaking down barriers to create one new people reconciled to Him.

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Daily Devotional
March 21, 2025

Exodus 32, John 11, Proverbs 8, Ephesians 1

Exodus 32: While Moses is on Mount Sinai, the Israelites create and worship a golden calf, leading to God's anger, Moses' intercession, and the judgment of three thousand people. John 11: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, revealing His power over death and prompting the religious leaders to intensify their plot to kill Him. Proverbs 8: Wisdom calls out, offering understanding, righteousness, and life to those who seek her, as she was present with God before creation. Ephesians 1: Paul praises God for blessing believers with every spiritual blessing in Christ, highlighting their adoption, redemption, and inheritance, while praying for their deeper understanding of His power.

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Daily Devotional
March 20, 2025

Exodus 31, John 10, Proverbs 7, Galatians 6

Exodus 31: God appoints Bezalel and Oholiab to construct the tabernacle, commands Sabbath observance as a sign of His covenant, and gives Moses the stone tablets inscribed by His own hand. John 10: Jesus declares Himself the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, affirming His unity with the Father and causing division among the Jews. Proverbs 7: A father warns his son to guard against the seductive words of an immoral woman, whose path leads to destruction and death. Galatians 6: Paul urges believers to bear one another’s burdens, sow to the Spirit rather than the flesh, and boast only in the cross of Christ.

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Daily Devotional
March 19, 2025

Exodus 30, John 9, Proverbs 6, Galatians 5

Exodus 30: God gives instructions for the altar of incense, atonement money, the bronze basin, anointing oil, and sacred incense, emphasizing holiness in worship. John 9: Jesus heals a man born blind, leading to controversy among the Pharisees and revealing the difference between spiritual sight and spiritual blindness. Proverbs 6: Wisdom warns against laziness, dishonesty, adultery, and the seven things the Lord detests, urging diligence and integrity. Galatians 5: Paul exhorts believers to live in the freedom of Christ, walk by the Spirit, and display the fruit of the Spirit rather than the works of the flesh.

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Daily Devotional
March 18, 2025

Exodus 29, John 8, Proverbs 5, Galatians 4

Exodus 29: God gives Moses detailed instructions for consecrating Aaron and his sons as priests, including sacrifices, anointing, and daily offerings. John 8: Jesus declares Himself as the light of the world, offers forgiveness to an adulterous woman, and teaches that true freedom comes from abiding in His word. Proverbs 5: A father warns his son against the dangers of adultery and urges him to remain faithful to his wife, emphasizing that God sees all paths. Galatians 4: Paul contrasts slavery under the law with the freedom found in Christ, reminding believers that they are children of the promise, not of bondage.

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Colossians: Exploring Christ’s Supremacy and St. Patrick’s Faithful Legacy

In this episode of Sermon Notes, titled Colossians: Exploring Christ’s Supremacy and St. Patrick’s Faithful Legacy, hosts Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the book of Colossians, focusing on Paul's robust declaration of Christ's supremacy. As they explore the text, they discuss the significance of rooting faith in Christ alone amidst the allure of false gospels, like prosperity, self-help, and political ideologies.

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