Daily Devotional
January 21, 2025
Genesis 22: Abraham is tested by God to sacrifice his son Isaac but is stopped by an angel just in time, reaffirming God's promise of numerous descendants through Isaac due to Abraham's faithfulness.
Matthew 21: Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly, cleanses the temple, curses a fig tree as a lesson in faith, and confronts the religious leaders with parables highlighting their failures and the kingdom being opened to others.
Nehemiah 11: Leaders and residents are appointed to live in Jerusalem to repopulate it, emphasizing the diverse roles and families involved in restoring the city and maintaining the temple services.
Acts 21: Paul faces warnings against going to Jerusalem, continues his journey, and upon arrival, attempts to pacify Jewish believers by joining in purification rites, only to be arrested after being falsely accused of defiling the temple.
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Proverbs 3:9 calls us to honor the Lord with all He has given us, trusting Him as faithful stewards. This devotion invites us to grow deeper in faith by releasing our resources in obedience and worship. Pray for His Holy Hill in Murfreesboro as they build a united, gospel-driven community, and for Matthew and Julia in Southeastern Europe as they lead outreach programs and house churches in sharing Christ’s love.
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Daily Devotional
January 20, 2025
Genesis 21: Isaac is born to Abraham and Sarah, fulfilling God's promise; Hagar and Ishmael are sent away but are protected and blessed by God; Abraham makes a covenant with Abimelech at Beer-sheba.
Matthew 20: Jesus shares the parable of the vineyard workers to illustrate God’s generosity, predicts His suffering and death, teaches servant leadership, and heals two blind men near Jericho.
Nehemiah 10: The Israelites renew their covenant with God, committing to obey His laws, honor the Sabbath, avoid intermarriage with foreign nations, and support the temple through offerings and firstfruits.
Acts 20: Paul encourages the churches in Macedonia and Greece, raises Eutychus from the dead in Troas, and gives a heartfelt farewell to the Ephesian elders, warning them of future challenges.
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Psalm 22:27 reminds us of God’s plan for all nations to worship Him. This devotion challenges us to share the good news of Jesus with every tribe and tongue, praying for clarity in our role in God’s mission. Pray for Sudanese Fellowship as they bring hope to the Sudanese community in Middle Tennessee and for Hope for Tomorrow in Guatemala City as they care for children’s holistic needs and guide them in faith.
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Daily Devotional
January 19, 2025
Genesis 20: Abraham deceives Abimelech by calling Sarah his sister; God warns Abimelech in a dream, leading to Sarah's return and Abraham praying for Abimelech's household to be healed.
Matthew 19: Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage; he blesses children, and challenges a rich young ruler to give up his wealth for eternal life, illustrating the difficulty for the rich to enter heaven.
Nehemiah 9: Israelites confess their sins and recount God's faithful acts throughout their history, acknowledging God's mercy despite their repeated disobedience and celebrating His provision and guidance.
Acts 19: Paul evangelizes in Ephesus, where extraordinary miracles occur, leading to a riot incited by those whose livelihoods are threatened by the spread of the gospel; the disturbance underscores the tension between new Christian converts and traditional pagan practices.
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Matthew 4:19-23 shows us how Jesus lived on mission by sharing the good news and meeting physical needs in His own community. This devotion challenges us to follow His example, starting with those around us. Pray for Cul2Vate as they address hunger and provide job training in Middle Tennessee, and for African Leadership as they equip Gospel-centered leaders to transform communities across Africa.
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Daily Devotional
January 18, 2025
Genesis 19: Angels visit Lot in Sodom, protect him from the townspeople, and facilitate the escape of Lot and his daughters before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah.
Matthew 18: Jesus teaches about humility, comparing greatness in heaven to the innocence of children, emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, and narrates the parable of the lost sheep and the unforgiving servant.
Nehemiah 8: Ezra reads the law to the returned exiles, leading to a revival of obedience and celebration of the Festival of Shelters, as the community rediscovers and rejoices in God's commands.
Acts 18: Paul founds the church in Corinth, faces opposition but receives divine assurance, and continues preaching to the Gentiles.
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Daily Devotional
January 17, 2025
Genesis 18: Abraham entertains three divine visitors who predict Sarah's pregnancy; Abraham negotiates with God to spare Sodom if righteous people are found there.
Matthew 17: Jesus is transfigured, revealing His divine nature; He heals a demon-possessed boy and predicts His death again, teaching on faith and spiritual authority.
Nehemiah 7: After Jerusalem's walls are rebuilt, Nehemiah organizes a genealogical registration, emphasizing the return and contributions of the exiles for the city's restoration.
Acts 17: Paul preaches in Thessalonica and Berea, faces opposition, and delivers a profound message about the known God in Athens, converting several, including Dionysius and Damaris.
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Acts 2:42,46 and John 13:15 remind us of the importance of biblical community in growing and thriving as followers of Christ. This devotion encourages believers to engage in groups for support, accountability, and fellowship. Pray for Welcome Home Ministries as they guide individuals toward healing and transformation through the gospel and for Every Girl Counts in Kenya as they empower girls through education and life skills training.
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Daily Devotional
January 16, 2025
Genesis 17: God establishes his covenant with Abram, renaming him Abraham, promising him numerous descendants, and instituting circumcision as a sign of the covenant.
Matthew 16: Jesus warns of the Pharisees' and Sadducees' teachings, Peter confesses Jesus as the Messiah, and Jesus predicts his death and teaches on taking up one's cross.
Nehemiah 6: Nehemiah faces opposition while rebuilding Jerusalem's walls but completes the task with divine assistance, proving the enemies' conspiracies futile.
Acts 16: Paul recruits Timothy, they spread the Gospel through Macedonia after a divine vision, and a miraculous jail escape underscores their mission, leading to the conversion and baptism of a jailer and his family.
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1 Corinthians 15:3-4 and 1 Peter 3:15-16 remind us to always be ready to share the hope of Jesus, trusting the Holy Spirit to work through Gospel Conversations. This devotion encourages us to live in a way that reflects Christ’s grace and truth. Pray for DCS workers as they support vulnerable children and families and for Chase and Leslie as they disciple believers and share Christ in a region closed to the gospel.
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Daily Devotional
January 15, 2025
Genesis 16: Sarai, unable to bear children, gives her slave Hagar to Abram to conceive an heir. Hagar becomes pregnant, leading to conflict with Sarai, and eventually runs away. An angel instructs Hagar to return and prophesies the birth of her son, Ishmael.
Matthew 15: Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for valuing tradition over God's commandments and teaches that purity comes from the heart. He also heals the daughter of a Canaanite woman because of her great faith and feeds 4,000 people with seven loaves and a few fish.
Nehemiah 5: Nehemiah confronts the wealthy Jews exploiting the poor during a famine by lending money at high interest rates. He calls for justice and the cancellation of debts, which the people agree to, and continues to lead the wall's rebuilding.
Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council addresses whether Gentile converts must observe Jewish law. It concludes that Gentiles should abstain from idolatry and immorality but need not adhere to all Jewish customs.
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